WECIA Graph: Visualization of Classification Performance Dependency on Grayscale Conversion Setting

  • Pavel Skrabanek Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Automation and Computer Science
  • Sule Yildirim Yayilgan Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Information Security and Communication Technology
Keywords: computer vision, generic object categorization, grayscale conversion, weighted means grayscale conversion, classification, performance evaluation, data visualization


Grayscale conversion is a popular operation performed within image pre-processing of many computer vision systems, including systems aimed at generic object categorization. The grayscale conversion is a lossy operation. As such, it can signicantly in uence performance of the systems. For generic object categorization tasks, a weighted means grayscale conversion proved to be appropriate. It allows full use of the grayscale
conversion potential due to weighting coefficients introduced by this conversion method. To reach a desired performance of an object categorization system, the weighting coefficients must be optimally setup. We demonstrate that a search for an optimal setting of the system must be carried out in a cooperation with an expert. To simplify the expert involvement in the optimization process, we propose a WEighting Coefficients Impact Assessment (WECIA) graph. The WECIA graph displays dependence of classication performance on setting of the weighting coefficients for one particular setting of remaining adjustable parameters. We point out a fact that an expert analysis of the dependence using the WECIA graph allows identication of settings leading to undesirable performance of an assessed system.


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How to Cite
Skrabanek, P. and Yayilgan, S. 2018. WECIA Graph: Visualization of Classification Performance Dependency on Grayscale Conversion Setting. MENDEL. 24, 2 (Dec. 2018), 41–48. DOI:https://doi.org/10.13164/mendel.2018.2.041.
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